Militia Defense Condition

Militia Defense Condition (M.D.C) is an alert condition that deals with threat Assessment that allows commanders in the field to determine if deployment to a region or state is needed .
Alpha - is the lowest Militia Defense Condition meaning no threat Militia is mothballed.
Bravo Basic Preparedness MDC-4 (Condition Bravo) Maintain your basic state of preparedness; keep your gear packed and accessible. Plan routes to your initial rally point. Obtain necessary supplies for cache / resupply points. Make yourself available for routine communications. This is the optimum point at which to join the militia and prepare.
Charles -ELEVATED Yellow Enemy action probable MDC-3 (Condition Charlie) Maintain your gear and yourself in a state of readiness. Develop your own supply caches along your routes. Pre-stage supplies where appropriate. Keep your lines of communication open for incoming "flash" traffic. Be prepared to move on 3-hour notice. Good point at which to join the militia; preparation now will likely ensure your survival.
Delta HIGH Orange Enemy action very likely MDC-2 Condition Delta) Small unit leaders, prepare to assist. Be ready to move on 2 hour notice & check your exfil routes. Pre-evacuate immediate family members and their personal gear, if possible. Maintain close contact with your immediate chain of command and team members. Not the best time to join the militia, but one can - with real effort - get prepared in time.
ECHO EXTREME Red Enemy action imminent MDC-1 (Condition Echo) Domestic Conflict is IMMINENT; The militia is mobilizing in a matter of minutes. STAND BY FOR SNAPCOUNT: Evacuate by most expedient route possible & assemble at designated rally points. Unit commanders will give further directions as needed. This is the last, worst possible moment to join the militia... Only prior-military applicants may be considered at the last minute, unless extenuating circumstances permit. Expect our website domain name to be seized by the occupying regime; and the site itself to be shut downby our internet provider, by executive order or martial law.
\Foxtrot ENGAGED Purple Enemy Action UNDERWAY MDC-0 (Condition Foxtrot) Total Conflict is UNDERWAY; opposing forces have struck the first blow and citizen soldiers are responding (SKYFALL). All communication between the public and local militia will be re-routed to maintain force protective posture. If you wait until this point to join, you'll probably be too late to be of any use without getting others hurt or killed!