Here is the latest Nuclear Biological Chemical Weapons Defense Protocols Procedure from Col. Bryan Hunt (Co. of California State Militia 67th Regiment 31st Battalion Field Forces Headquarters Command)
All credits to the document go to Col. Bryan Hunt and the California State Militia
This is of extreme importance . To all like minded commanders and units. Prepare read and adopted these recommended protocols
of decontamination related to Ebola virus. Folks The California State Militia State Commander (Col. Brian Hunt has done exhaustive research and have develop decontamination protocols .
See the report an ounce of prevention is worth its weight in gold.
It is currently in word document please dont change the protocols but adopt them to your needs and needs of units in your state and area.
Col. Hunt worked on this report for 4 days with his Brigade Medical Officer/Aide De Camp who has years of experience as an ER nurse. Should we get hit with Ebola or any hundreds of bio-weapons out there, if you read the protocols and adopted them then the Militia may win to fight and perform its METT-TC and its original mission to defend the Constitution. If the recommendations in this report are not taken to heart and adopted then the Militia with the rest of the masses will die understand this virus is just as deadly as any rocket bomb or bullet the only difference is its silent and deadly. We just might get early warning of a region about to get hit