Logistics And Supply
The State Commander and staff has been working tirelessly to develop a supply and logistics system to resupply units under limited deployment or total conflict conditions, no matter what the threat to the state is. To that end we are asking for donations of any amount of logistics to us to meet that challenge . The largest conflicts involving militaries and Militia from around the world has been a problem of resupply as conflict continues to go on for months and even years .The US is no different while the regular Army and National Guard enjoys the resupply from the Federal Government as so they should The Militia of each state has fell into disarray and neglect . Recognizing this Lieutenant Colonel Conners has stepped up to the challenge to meet this extreme need , of which he likes to call BBB . Any Constitutional Militia unit no matter where it is located in Texas during a deployment of any kind or protracted conflict can contact state command for immediate resupply .Most units have not examined the fact how are they going to resupply their selves after 3 days 2 weeks 30 days or 6 months . Understandable most units only look at the immediate here and now they don't see beyond their own yardstick
we are
Developing a system to put in place much like a military supply depot . cashes are fine if your operating in the wilderness but face it most Texas units operate in the urban environment. These Units must adapt their M.E.T.T. to fit the urban system as well as mountain and desert. State Command is currently examine all options based on recent deployments and the logistical mistakes that were made and observed during those deployments.